Stepper Motor Control in raspberry pi
Steppers Steppers , or stepping motors, are brushless DC motors. In the PyHack workshop we first started with brushed DC motors (2 wires), then using H bridges to make them rotate both ways, and used pulse width modulation (PWM) to vary their speed. We followed with servos and then we went into steppers. Unfortunately, I've not posted on some of these aspects yet (I thought I had), but I'll definitely post the explanations (servo, PWM), diagrams and python code for these too. Now, let's get back to our steppers. They do come in all kinds of shape and size: Wired For our discussion right now however, we'll focus on just one thing, the number of wires. Typically, you will have a stepper with 4, 5 or 6 wires: 5 wire unipolar, 4 wire bipolar 6 wire unipolar As can be seen, 5 or 6 wires are fundamentally the same. They are what is called a Unipolar stepper. 4 wire steppers are Bipolar steppers. A different type of driver is needed dep...